How to place an order

Selecting Products

Browse our catalog and choose the desired items. Add them to your cart by clicking the "Add to Cart" button.

Reviewing Your Cart

After selecting all the necessary items, go to your cart to review its contents. Here, you can modify the quantity of items, remove unnecessary ones, or add new ones. Make sure you have chosen the correct size and color, if applicable.


After reviewing your cart, click the "Proceed to Checkout" button. You will be prompted to select a shipping method and provide the delivery address.

Payment Information

Choose your preferred payment method and enter the necessary details. All information is transmitted securely and confidentially.

Order Confirmation

Review all details of your order, including items, delivery address, and other important information. After confirmation, you will receive a notification with the order number to your provided email.

Sending an order

Our manager will contact you and provide detailed information about the order processing times and dispatch schedule. Typically, the order processing and dispatch time is 1-3 business days.

Contact us if you have any additional questions

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